I'm building this app as I'm teaching, one lesson at a time. When adding new things, I tell my students they have "unlocked new levels." They have been so excited seeing the new things I add each day. So, if you're wanting to gamify, but are unsure about how much work it will require....take it slow. Build as you go! The kids will love it! Here are some screenshots from my app, so you can see the beginning of the gamification process. Home Screen STAAR Wars: This houses all the introductory resources that I used for engaging them in this game. This is where the leaderboard will go, along with any other videos I make along the way. FDP War: Fractions, Decimals, Percents This is the first war that we are fighting. I used the STAAR released test questions as my basis for the first major war (unit). Then I used backwards planning, to think of all the skills they would need to be able to do in order to answer the questions. (ordering...
Building a better world, student by student, one moment at a time. A place for lifelong learners, struggling students, education reformers, and better-world builders. Follow me on Twitter @VenegasKeller