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My Discipline Policy

At-risk students can be some of the most difficult and challenging students to work with. They often exhibit very disruptive behavior, and many times these students do not respond well to authority.

The largest battle intervention teachers will face is discipline.

I have had a great deal of success with the following policy:

This is one of the first things I consider when students are not acting appropriately. I ask myself these questions:
1.       Is the classroom overly stimulating?
2.       Are my lessons relevant and engaging?
3.       Is this a good seating arrangement?
4.       Can the students do the work?
5.       Is the work appropriate?
This is the foundation of my classroom management. I seek out opportunities to provide significant amounts of positive reinforcement.
1.       I give “Good Job” tickets for behavior, academics, and study skills. When giving the ticket, I am specific in my praise. These tickets are drawn for prizes every week.
2.       Continuous encouragement – As I walk through the classroom, I offer students praise.
3.       Tower of Strength – As students master new skills, they get an achievement card to place on our “Tower of Strength.”
4.       Motivational Lessons – I use real-life motivational stories, highlighting character traits, such as perseverance.
5.       Student Data Tracking – Students track their own data, so that they become intrinsically motivated to meet their goals
I provide students with 2-3 choices when possible. I ask them questions such as:
1.       Where would you like to work?
2.       Which of these two assignments would you like to work on now?
3.       Would you like to use a pencil or a pen?
4.       Can you work quietly here, or should I choose a spot where you can focus?
5.       Can you work with music on, or is it distracting?
When students are not making appropriate choices, I hold a mini-conference with them.
1.       I talk with the student privately.
2.       I ask the student, “What do you think I’m going to say?”
3.       Ask, “What choice could you have made?”
4.       I ask the student to explain the situation.
1.       I give them work they can do successfully.
2.       I give genuine praise – not for easy work, but for accomplishments.
I actively work to build the student’s trust in me.
1.       Always give respect.
2.       Always assume the student wants to learn.
3.       Show that I care by:
a.       Going to their extracurricular events
b.      Making their work relevant
c.       Asking them about their day/weekend
If students are not making positive choices:
1.       I let them know that I will be monitoring their behavior.
2.       Student will be given a set number of reminders for the day (3-4)
3.       After the 3-4 reminders, the student will be asked to leave the room to complete a “Behavior Reflection.”
4.       I will discuss this reflection with them.
5.       I will call the parents.
Sometimes consequences will need to be given. These should be natural, whenever possible. Some consequences include:
1.       If a student can’t work without disruption, the student will need to work outside the classroom.
2.       If the student has significantly taken away another student’s learning opportunities, he will be asked to come before/after school to “pay back time to the community.”
3.       If a student breaks something, we will seek a solution for the student to replace it.
4.       All school violations will be handled according to the ISMS discipline policy.


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